I would like to have  an opportunity to tell you a little more about myself and the services I provide at Sherif Pediatrics.

I founded Sherif Pediatrics in 2015 to create a place that could offer multi-disciplinary and integrated medical services. My vision is for all parents to have access to comprehensive medical care and at the same time one on one education with your doctor, alternatives to traditional measures when appropriate, and convenience.

Sherif Pediatrics is a very family friendly office, comfortable for both parents and children. I offer state of the art equipment and a place where you and I can discuss each and every concern you may have about your child’s wellbeing. I enjoy the art of teaching very much and I can proudly say that I base my practice of medicine on parental education.

At our clinic we provide many diagnostic and therapeutic procedures beside the healthy well and sick clinic visits. Screening tests like hearing screen, vision screen, blood lead level, anemia test,  blood sugar and blood lipid tests are done in office. We also do diagnostic tests such as influenza, RSV , rapid strept throat, urinalysis and pregnancy tests.  I perform many simple in-office procedures such as wart removal or freezing, removal of skin tags, abscess incision and drainage, splinting of injured limbs male circumcisions and many other procedures. I always try to bring the most recent and accurate laboratory tests or services into my clinic in order to make your child visit satisfactory and beneficial.

We proudly announce the hosting of United allergy services in our office. If your child or any member of your family suffer from allergies or asthma , now at our clinic they can receive skin allergy testing for environmental allergens that exist in our community and we also provide home based immunotherapy injections to treat these allergies permanently.

The most important thing is that you will always have access to me as your primary doctor . I am always available 24/7 by phone in the after-clinic hours to answer your concerns about your child health. I have full privileges at Covenant Health Hobbs hospital. I cover emergency room calls for my patients, I admit the sick ones to the pediatric inpatient floor and I attend new babies’ birth, I have a long experience in the management and resuscitation of very sick and very premature babies, I stabilize them at the nursery till they get better and go home or transfer them to neonatal ICU if their condition dictates that.

If your child has a special health problem that requires referral to a sub specialist, I will assist you to find the expert who will continue to provide the needed care for your child in cooperation with me.

I encourage you to always visit this website and our facebook page to get all the up-to-date information regarding child health, find answers to your questions and the new services that we always try to get at our clinic.

Finally, I would like to congratulate you for choosing our clinic as the right place to take care of the well-being of your child.